Fandom: The Final Frontier.

These are the voyages of the USS Marie Curie. Its continuing mission: to initiate first and second contact both inside and outside the fleet. To seek out new friends and new crewmates. To boldly fan like no fan has fanned before!The Curie is a chapter of STARFLEET, the International Fan Association, the oldest worldwide Star Trek fan group. As an internet-based and fairly region-agnostic chapter, we conduct almost all our meetings and business via various social media and emails. Because of this, we've got members from all over the world, and we definitely wouldn't mind more dedicated crew regardless of where you're physically based. If you can't make it to a local chapter's meetings or don't live near a chapter of the 'FLEET, we'll be glad to swing by and pick you up via Discord!As a ship, we're dedicated to the idea of lending a helping hand to both STARFLEET and fandom as a whole. Because we're so spread out, we are in the unique position to offer help to you and your chapter at conventions or meetings all over the world and online. We can help people new to SFI get their feet under them, orient folks to technology in use throughout the fleet, and even help host game nights online with them. We share a collective interest in not only Star Trek, but in all things science fiction based. Above all else, we encourage fellowship and excellence wherever our members are based.Please look around, and if you like what you see, open a hailing frequency using the contact link up above. We've got a berth waiting for you!

- Captain Meg

A Brief History of the USS Marie Curie

Our Ship Launch Plaque

Commissioned in late 2016 and placed under the command of Captain Brady, the Curie (as her crew is fond of calling her) is a fully recognized chapter of STARFLEET International as of November 30th, 2017. She is currently stationed out of New York and originally launched from Roseburg, Oregon, USA, but we conduct all our business via the internet because we are fun like that.Our current plan is to run not only a fan club devoted to Star Trek and a social circle, but a scholarship fund and a charitable donation arm as well. We currently hold events on Discord, with more on the way as our various departments plan it!

As each chapter of STARFLEET International is considered a vessel or space station within the Star Trek universe, so is the Curie - she's an Intrepid, a science ship built for long-term explorations - a ship considered both "fast and smart" by various members of the show's cast of characters. If you'd like to learn more about the Intrepid class, please keep reading! They're a favorite of many fans, especially those who enjoyed the Voyager series, as the series namesake was an Intrepid.

Intrepid Class, United Federation of Planets

Information from Memory Alpha and Memory Beta, rewritten by the Engineering Department.First rolled off the assembly lines of the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards some time in the early 2370s, the Intrepid was a class of science vessel primarily created for long-term exploration missions. Intrepids were about half the size of the Galaxy class (the ship type of the USS Enterprise D) and housed about 140-150 crew members on its 15 decks while operating on missions.At the time of its creation, the Intrepid was one of the most advanced ships created by Starfleet for scientific purposes - it housed several previously unheard of upgrades, including a warp core with a tricyclic input manifold (which would help to allow speeds close to warp 10), the most advanced navigational sensor battery on record, and variable geometry pylons (allowing for the movements of warp nacelles to lessen the impact of the vessel on subspace and habitable planets).The Intrepid class was also the first to incorporate bio-neural gel packs instead of standard isolinear computers - plugged into the already very beefy computer systems, these effectively changed an ordinary science ship into a semi-organic brain with lightning fast computational speed and a library at its disposal. The gel packs changed the way the computer processed, allowing it to use its "best guess" based on available information rather than run through every computation, speeding up processing time and allowing it to work in a much faster paced, more chaotic environment than a standard isolinear model.It was also a fast class of starship - until the advent of the Prometheus class of vessels, the Intrepid held the record for fastest top speed among Starfleet ships with a maximum maintained cruise speed of Warp 9.975 without outside help.No wonder the Intrepid class was described as "fast and smart"!

An Intrepid class ship
The Intrepid Development patch
Ship system LCARS display from the USS Voyager

Because of its size and some specialized engineering, the Intrepid was also capable of a maneuver many other starships were not - safe planetary landing and liftoff of the entire vessel. Thanks to strategically placed antigrav generators and impulse thrusters, the weight of the ship did not cause it damage during this maneuver.All in all, it's one heck of a science vessel and we're proud to be crewing one!

Ship's Combadge

The USS Marie Curie Combadge

Designed by our very own Engineering team member Stephen, the now officially adopted combadge of the Curie crew depicts a stylized atomic model under and around the familiar silver and gold delta insignia.While we don't require people who are part of the crew to wear any specific badge, this is the one we consider "ours" above any others!

Ship Namesake: Marie Sklodowska Curie

Marie Skłodowska Curie (7 November 1867 – 4 July 1934), born Maria Salomea Skłodowska, was a Polish born and French naturalized chemist who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, and the first person and only woman to win the Nobel twice (once in physics, which she shared with her husband and another physicist, and once for chemistry), for her work on radioactivity.Her achievements include developing the theory of radioactivity (a term she coined herself), developing techniques used in the isolation of radioactive isotopes, and the discovery of both polonium (named for her home country of Poland) and radium. Under her direction, the world's first studies into treatments for neoplasms with radioactive isotopes. She also founded the Curie Institutes in both Paris and Warsaw, which to this day remain major medical research centers.When faced with the adversity of growing up a woman in an oppressed Poland, she overcame by studying at the underground Floating University, and she never stopped. She was a true pioneer whose perseverance is worthy of our emulation.Marie died at age 66 of aplastic anemia caused by prolonged exposure to radiation throughout the course of her life and experiments.You can learn more about Marie Curie and her life at this site.

Marie Curie

Meet The Curie's Command Staff!

Here you will find short biographies and pictures of the Curie's current command roster, from our CO on through the various departments, along with the occasional sassy statements from Engineering - because that's what happens when we're allowed to write things unchecked!

Commanding Officer & Chief of Engineering Meg


Nice to meetcha! My name's Meg, but they call me Squirrel. I used to think this was because I tend to hold onto all kinds of stuff, just stashed away for when it might be useful. It turns out it's probably because once you get me into your ship's Jefferies tubes, I'm like a rodent in the walls - all over and impossible to get out!As the CO and Curie Chief of Engineering, it's my job to keep our internet presence updated and beautiful, as well as ensuring the day to day function of the chapter is running smoothly (and filing all the paperwork no one else wants)! I'm here to take care of our ship and crew - my office is always open, so feel free to drop in if you need anything!

Executive Officer & Special Operations Unit OIC Gregg

USS Marie Curie ship logo

Peldor Joy! My name is Gregg and I am the ship's Executive Officer and the officer in charge of our Special Operations unit. My job is to make sure the Captain doesn't take us into any gaseous anomalies and to make sure there's coffee at all times.As the ship's resident SFI guru, I can help with anything from Academy related to normal day to day operations. My door is always open but just remember, don't let the cat out.

Chief Tactical Officer Erica


Welcome aboard the USS Marie Curie! As Chief of Tactical, I'm responsible for the general safety and security of our crew. In STARFLEET, Tactical and Security Officers comprise of people who wish to ensure peace is kept at STARFLEET events and at our tables during cons, security is not an actual physical security force. Instead, they serve as extra bodies at the table to keep things under control for ops, who may otherwise be overwhelmed with a number of people who want to talk with someone about SFI, or they may be people posted at doors of important meetings to ensure only STARFLEET personnel are admitted. In the Curie, this is mostly done digitally on our Discord server.

Chief Communications Officer & Chief Operations Officer Samantha


Greetings and welcome aboard the Marie Curie. My name is Samantha, and I serve as Chief Communications Officer on our lovely science vessel. This means I am responsible for reporting and distributing our quarterly Ship’s Log to all active members of the chapter and submitting a monthly update on important communications happenings in our main forum: our Discord server. Our Ship’s Log compiles reports from all departments as well as choice articles written by members re: sci-fi or current events with a Trekker worldview.Ed: If you need to contact our communications department, please use this link!

Chief Medical Officer Brady


Howdy! My name is Brady and I’m Chief Medical Officer of the USS Marie Curie. My job and my goal is to focus on the health, morale, and general well-being of the crew. I also try to keep everyone informed with objective updates in the fields of health and medicine.This post is a special one for me, as I was part of the founding crew for the Curie. The other officers realized I was lost in a trance in a remote part of the ship just doing paperwork. They found me and put me back to work!Ed: Go figure, a medical officer buried in a pile of paperwork. What are the odds?

Ship's Counsellor Niamh


nuqneH! I am Niamh. As Ship’s Counselor, it is my responsibility to support the onboarding of new crew members, ensuring they feel welcome, and signposting organisational support and information.I’m a science fiction writer and game developer, serving proudly from the European deck of the ship. I became a member of STARFLEET in 2019. Since joining the USS Marie Curie I have found a digital home, and made some wonderful friends.Ed: On behalf of the Curie and her crew, we love you too Niamh!

Special Operations Unit 713: Fortune's Fixers

Unit Motto: We Always Come Up Aces!

Fortune's Fixers unit patch

How did we wind up here? It turns out a number of us were so good at our job as SpecOps members, we didn't even know we were all affiliated until Captain Meg sat down and combed through all the redacted records. Once the count was done, we actually had enough of us to qualify as a whole unit!Meet SOU 713 - Fortune's Fixers. We're a group of generalists and all-rounders dedicated to getting others into and out of tight spots. If you need backup, call the Fixers. We got your back!If you've got questions about the unit or would like to join us, please visit our Discord and speak with Fleet Captain Gregg or send him an email from this page. We hope to see you soon!

Fortune's Fixers would like to extend our gratitude to Captain Carrot of SFI's Corps of Engineers' Graphics Division for our unit logo!

Downloads and Links

Pretty much what it says on the tin, these are a few things that might come in handy for a member of the Curie's crew, or even just STARFLEET members in general.

Lt. Uhura takes a call

Hailing Frequencies Open!

If you need to contact the crew of the USS Marie Curie for anything at all - questions, comments, general help requests, sending us your aunt's chili recipes - please feel free to fill out this form and click send. One of the command staff will get back to you as soon as we can!